An apprentice is a licensed electrical worker only while under a training contract and under supervision by an employer.
An employer must only use licensed electrical workers to carry out electrical installation work.
An apprentice is a licensed electrical worker while:
- under a training contract
- supervision by an employer.
If an apprentice’s training contract has expired, they are no longer considered a licensed electrical worker.
For you to continue to legally employ your apprentice, you and your apprentice must decide what steps to take next.
To see the options an apprentice can take, see After your apprentice training contract ends
We encourage you to read that page, along with the information on this page.
If your apprentice’s schooling and Licensed Electrician's Assessment (LEA) are complete
Your apprentice may apply for an A Grade Electrician’s licence
Your apprentice may be eligible to apply for an A Grade Electrician's licence if they:
- completed their apprenticeship training contract
- obtained a Certificate III in Electrotechnology
- successfully completed all licensing assessments (LEAs)
- have the correct documentation
- complete an Electrician’s licence application on ESVConnect
- pay the licensing fee.
If your apprentice’s schooling or profiling is incomplete
If your apprentice’s schooling is complete, but they haven't passed all licensing assessments
Your apprentice needs to apply for a Supervised Worker’s Licence (L).
If your apprentice’s training contract is complete, but they have not yet successfully passed all licensing assessments, you can continue to employ them for 3 months from their completion date. The apprentice can carry out electrical installation work in this 3 month period.
If they do not pass all licensing assessments and gain an A Grade Electrician's licence in this 3 month period, they must have a Supervised Worker’s Licence
The Supervised Worker's Licence is temporary. It allows them to do electrical installation work under the supervision of an A Grade Electrician until they have obtained their own A Grade Electrician’s licence.
Licensed Electrician's Assessments
In addition to the training your apprentice completes to obtain the Certificate III in Electrotechnology, your apprentice must also complete the following three Licenced Electrician's assessments (LEAs) before they can apply for an A Grade Electrican's license:
- Safe Working Practice (SWP)
- Licensed Electrician's Theory (LET)
- Licensed Electrician's Practical (LEP).
Your apprentice will need a letter from their trade school - 'Authorisation to Undertake the Licensed Electrician’s Assessment (LEA)' - stating they can attempt an LEA assessment as they have finished the required units. They must have this letter before they can book an assessment.
Your apprentice can attempt an assessment at one of these assessment venues
We have sample assessments to assist the apprentice – see LEA sample assessments
Special consideration
Special consideration may be available to your apprentice when attempting their licensing assessments. Special consideration applies for medical and other circumstances to allow:
- extra time
- special conditions.
The apprentice may apply to Energy Safe – see Special consideration for licensing assessments
Employer's support letter
When apply for a licence, your apprentice must provide evidence of 12 months' electrical installation work. This is covered by a letter of support from you as their employer.
The dates provided on the letter must show the period they were under your employment, and that they were under an apprentice contract of training. The letter must show
- dates within the 3 months' grace period after completing their contract of training
- that the apprentice held a Supervised Worker's Licence.
An example of this letter is on this page: Documentation needed for an Electrician's licence
Note: The minimum period of 12 months' electrical installation work may be shown across several employer support letters.
Other helpful resources
These resources include information you might find helpful:
- Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) — your first point of contact for all queries about apprenticeship contracts.
- The VRQA have a range of valuable help — see Apprenticeships and Traineeships(opens in a new window). If you have concerns about your apprentice or want to understand the requirements of an employer with an apprentice.
- Apprentice Support Officers(opens in a new window) (ASOs) — offer a free and confidential support and advice service, to help apprentices with workplace, training or personal issues that sometimes affect apprentices.
- Connect with us (Australian Apprenticeships)(opens in a new window) — resources about apprenticeships and more.
- Training and assessment providers(opens in a new window) — see Electrical training providers.
- Requirements for the effective supervision of apprentice electricians
Further information
If you would like further information, you can contact the Licensing team:
- Use the Contact form
- Email
- Call our team directly on 1800 815 721 during these hours:
- Monday, Thursday, Friday — 9:00am to 4:00pm
- Tuesday — 12:30pm to 4:00pm
- Wednesday — 9:00am to 12:30pm.
Keep in touch
We encourage you to stay informed about important developments and safe working in our industry. See our Media Centre(opens in a new window) for alerts, media releases and more.
Date: 24/03/2025 9:59
The currency and accuracy of this information cannot be guaranteed once printed or saved to a storage device. If in doubt, please check the Energy Safe Victoria website for the current version.