Special consideration for licensing assessments

How to apply under any of the 3 consideration categories.


We have developed a policy and process for special consideration – a way to ensure all are able to attempt their electrical licence assessments. This page outlines our policy and process.

Purpose and scope of the policy

'Special consideration' aligns the electrical licensing assessments to the principle of reasonable adjustment. An assessment may be adjusted to meet the needs of an individual while not compromising the standard required in the assessment.

This policy applies to everyone who is eligible to attempt an electrical licence assessment.

Consideration categories

A candidate may apply for special consideration under these 3 categories:

  • Extenuating circumstances
  • English as an additional language (EAL)
  • Medical or disability

If granted, special consideration applies to all future attempts of that assessment – unless otherwise specified.

We have the right to withdraw any special consideration if:

  • we find the application is false
  • we find the application is misleading
  • your circumstances have changed.

Extenuating circumstances

An 'extenuating circumstance' is any event or circumstance that:

  • is outside your capacity to prevent or overcome, and
  • affects your capacity to complete the electrical licensing assessment tasks.

As part of your application, you should explain:

  • what your circumstances are, and
  • how they impact on your ability to complete the assessment.

Before applying for 'extenuating circumstances' consideration, you must have done all of the following:

  • attempted the assessment at least once
  • achieved a mark of at least 50% or more
  • obtained a letter from your Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or tutor supporting the application
  • completed the applicable review process with the assessment body (based on your most recent attempt)
  • attended a course of training or tutorial for the relevant assessment.

We encourage you to also provide any objective evidence to support your application.

We consider 'extenuating circumstances' applications on an individual basis.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

We may consider your application under this pathway if:

  • English is not your first language and you have completed training in an electrical trade overseas, and
  • you are eligible to sit the licensing assessment via the Overseas Trade Recognition pathway, and
  • you have completed the 'Minimum Australian Context Gap course’.

Only application for the following assessments will be consider for 'EAL special consideration':

  • Licensed Electrician's Theory (LET) assessment, or
  • Licensed Electrician's Practical (LEP) assessment.

You must apply via the 'extenuating circumstances' pathway if English is not your first language and you are undertaking or have completed an Australian apprenticeship in an electrical trade.

Medical or disability

Special consideration on medical or disability grounds can apply for all licensing assessments.

'Medical grounds' may include having a diagnosed:

  • physical or mental health condition
  • learning difficulty that affects your ability to complete the assessment in the required time.

To qualify for this special consideration you must:

  • get a letter of support from a medical practitioner that includes a recommendation for the required special consideration
  • be prepared to work with us and the assessment venue to establish and implement any allowances.

If you qualify in this category, allowances may include:

  • extra time
  • solo assessments
  • other assistance considered necessary.

Specialist services

There are specialist services available for all licensing assessments. These may include, but are not limited to, scribes or Auslan interpreters.

If specialist services are required, you must:

  • get a letter from your RTO or medical practitioner supporting the application
  • be prepared to work with us and the assessment venue to:
    • establish and implement any allowances
    • arrange for the specialist to attend the assessment venue.


Any specialist you use in the assessment must not have technical expertise in the subject area being assessed. This is to ensure they can't advise you on technical matters or otherwise influence the assessment result.


Assessment venues facilitating the assessments have the right to ask to recover any additional costs from you. Contact your assessment venue for further information.


To support your application you are responsible for providing required evidence. This includes proof of eligibility. The evidence provided:

  • must relate to the special condition category you are applying for
  • be provided at the time of application.

We'll process all applications following the application process below. We'll tell you when we approve your application.

You'll need to advise the assessment venue of the approved special consideration when booking an assessment, so the assessor can prepare for it prior to the day of assessment.

Assessment venues will try to cater to all reasonable requests.

Application process

Download Special Consideration for an Electrical Licensing Assessment form:

Special Consideration for Licensing Assessments – Application Form
PDF 208.1 KB
(opens in a new window)

Complete the form and attach relevant supporting evidence. Email the form and evidence to assessmentaudit@energysafe.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window)

We will:

  • let you know when we get your application
  • consider each application on its merits and in line with:
    • this policy
    • our Assessment Rules
    • the principle of reasonable adjustment.

We will then process your application and provide a decision to you within 10 business days from when we get the completed form and evidence. We can only approve applications with the required supporting evidence.

We may request further information from you if required.

We manage everything you provide following our Privacy and Data Security Policy:

Privacy policy_November 2022 PDF 143.16 KB(opens in a new window)

We'll let you know the outcome of your application by email or in writing.

If you wish to discuss your application before sending it, speak to a member of the Education and Assessment team by calling 03 9203 9700(opens in a new window)

Reviews or complaints

You can appeal a decision about your special consideration application. To make an appeal

Use our complaints form

Electricity Safety (Registration and Licensing) Regulations 2020(opens in a new window)

Date: 24/03/2025 22:36

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