Complex gas applications and compliance certificates
As the regulator for gas safety, Energy Safe Victoria is responsible for ensuring that all new and existing gas installations are safe and meet requirements as stated in applicable Acts and Regulations.
Energy Safe accepts applications for acceptance for all complex gas installations and Type B gas appliances (previously known as a Start Work and Compliance Notice) from licensed gasfitters.
All new gas applications must be submitted via GasTrac. This will ensure faster turnaround times for gas supply approvals and gas installation acceptances.
For all completed standard gas installations licensed gasfitters must lodge a Compliance Certificate with the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) after it has been issued to the owner/occupier.
Energy Safe Application for Acceptance or VBA Compliance Certificate?
The type of building and/or the complexity of the installation determines whether an Energy Safe Application for Acceptance or a VBA Compliance Certificate is required. Some gas installations may require both.
Generally, VBA Compliance Certificates are required for ‘standard gas installations’ in domestic and light commercial premises while Energy Safe applications for acceptance apply to ‘complex gas installations’ and Type B appliance installations in all other premises.
For more information, see Gas Information Sheet No. 33 Gas Installation Notification.
Application for Acceptance
An Application for Acceptance must be submitted before connecting gas to either a complex gas installation or a Type B appliance.
Applications must be submitted to Energy Safe by an appropriate VBA-licensed tradesperson, either a
- gasfitter for the complex gas installation
- Type B gasfitter for the Type B appliance.
Acceptance must be granted by Energy Safe before connecting gas.
A Schedule 9 accompanying the Application for Acceptance is required for a new, modified or relocated Type B appliance.
On completion of work, the licensed gas professional must complete and lodge the Statement of Compliance (Schedule 11) with Energy Safe.
Failure to do so is an offence.
The relevant gas distribution company requires notification of acceptance of the gas installation from Energy Safe before gas will be supplied to the premises.
Applications for acceptance of:
- the complex gas installation from a person licensed for gasfitting work by the VBA
- the Type B gas appliance from a person licensed for Type B gasfitting work by the VBA
Note: Applications for both complex gas installations and Type B appliances can be made by the same person if that person is licenced for both gasfitting work and Type B gasfitting work by the VBA. - exemption from compliance with prescribed standards. Note: Applications for exemptions can be made by both persons with or without a gasfitting licence.
Compliance Certificates
On completion of work on a standard gas installation or prescribed standard installation, a licensed gasfitter must lodge a Compliance Certificate with the VBA and provide a copy to the person for whom the work was carried out within 5 days of the completion of the work. This includes either:
- the installation, relocation, replacement or conversion of any gas-using appliance
- the installation, modification or relocation of consumer gas piping
- service and repair work has a total value of $750 or more.
Failure to complete and lodge a Compliance Certificate where required is an offence against the Building Act 1993.
Complying with obligations
At the completion of all standard and complex work, the licensed person must ensure the installation is safe.
It is the obligation of the licensed gas professional to ensure the completed installation is compliant with all applicable Acts, Regulations and Standards.
Energy Safe and the Victorian Building Authority
Energy Safe and the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) work together as regulators of the gas industry.
Who does what?
Energy Safe is the gas safety regulator for Victoria
Energy Safe is Victoria’s independent electricity, gas and pipeline safety and technical regulator. It is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of standards, codes and policies under the Electricity Safety Act 1998, Gas Safety Act 1997 and Pipelines Act 2005 and their respective regulations.
The VBA is the authority for plumbing-related matters
The VBA administers the licensing and registration system for plumbers and gasfitters, and promotes and enforces plumbing standards across Victoria.
The VBA’s website contains information about plumbing registration and licences in Victoria, including the specialised classes of Gasfitting.
Standard gas installations and complex gas installations
Licensed plumbing practitioners self-certify that their standard gas installation work complies with all relevant regulations, standards and codes by issuing a Compliance Certificate to the consumer. The VBA monitors the compliance of self-certified work through random audits and inspections.
Generally plumbing and gasfitting work in domestic and light commercial premises qualify as standard gas installations. All other plumbing and gasfitting in industrial, commercial and public premises, including in high rise buildings, schools and hospitals etc. is regarded as complex gas installation work.
Work on Type B gas appliances, and consumer piping connected to the Type B appliance, is deemed complex gas installation work.
On completion of work on a standard gas installation, a Compliance Certificate must be issued to the customer. The licensed plumbing practitioner must then lodge the details of the Compliance Certificate with the VBA within five days of the completion of the plumbing work.
Prior to the supplying gas to a complex gas installation, an Application for Acceptance of Complex Gas Installations and Type B Gas Appliances must be submitted and accepted by Energy Safe.
For more information, refer to Gas Information Sheet No. 33 Gas Installation Notification.
While both authorities can investigate gas related incidents, Energy Safe is considered the lead agency due to the safety implications. Complaints relating to non-compliant gas installations in residential properties that do not pose a safety risk fall within the remit of the VBA.
Contact details
Victorian Building Authority
Energy Safe Victoria
Date: 26/03/2025 10:02
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