Reporting electrical incidents
To report an electrical incident call 1800 000 922 or fill in our form:
Note: the form will download to your computer.
Complete and submit the form:
- Fill in all required fields using MS Word.
- Save the form to your computer.
- Email the completed form to:
or post the form to:
Electrical Incidents
Energy Safe Victoria
PO Box 262
Mandatory reporting of incidents
The Electrical Safety (General) Regulations 2019 requires mandatory reporting of any electrical incident that causes or has the potential to cause:
- death or injury to a person
- significant damage to property
- serious risk to public safety
- involves accidental contact with any electrical installation
- electric shock as a result of direct or indirect contact with any electrical installation.
The Regulations require the following people to report these incidents:
- electrical worker
- operator of a high voltage electrical installation
- operator of a complex electrical installation
- operator of a railway, including small gauge
- any other responsible for the work involved in the incident.
The Electricity Safety Act 1998 requires electricity suppliers and fire control authorities to report incidents as outlined above and in accordance with the Electrical Incident and Safety Reporting Guidelines.
Electricity supply company reports
To report power supply interruption or issues with powerlines outside your home, contact your electricity distribution company:
- Citipower phone 13 12 80
- Powercor phone 13 24 12
- AusNet Services phone 13 17 99
- Jemena phone 13 16 26
- United Energy phone 13 20 99
Reporting gas incidents
If an incident involves
- the death or injury to a person
- a transmission pipeline
- significant disruption to the community
- significant damage to property
- an explosion
and it occurs in
- a facility of a gas company or
- a gas installation to which the gas company supplies or sells gas
the Gas Safety Act 1997 requires that the gas company must, as soon as practicable, report the incident.
The Gas Safety (Safety Case) Regulations 2018 outline the requirements for the reporting of incidents.
Gas supply company reports
To report a gas leak or incident, call your gas distribution company:
- AusNet Services phone 136 707
- Australian Gas Networks phone 1800 427 532 or 1800 GAS LEAK
- Multinet Gas phone 132 691.
Reporting pipeline incidents
The Pipelines Regulations 2017 requires pipeline licensees to notify Energy Safe Victoria of any incident arising out of operating a pipeline (other than a gas pipeline) that causes:
- any person to suffer a serious injury or death
- substantial damage to or destruction of property
- an ignition or escape of anything being conveyed in a pipeline.
Date: 24/03/2025 15:42
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