ESVConnect Employer's application and profile navigation


This video will guide you through the

application process for employer

registration in ESVConnect and provide

an explanation of your employer profile.

Please ensure you have viewed and

actioned any requirements of the

employer's introduction and ESVConnect

user account video first.

Please log in to ESVConnect.

Employer's application

Please ensure you have a completed

signed and scanned copy of the employer

authorization form ready to upload

during this application process.

The employer authorisation form is

available on the employer's information

page of the ESV website.

New ESVConnect account holders

We'll see this screen

If you are an existing ESVConnect user

your normal home screen will appear.

To apply for employer registration from

the ESVConnect home page select 'my

applications' from the left menu.

Here you can click on apply for employer

registration to begin the application

process or click on the read more in blue text to

access further information regarding an

application for an employer of

electrical workers.

Select the appropriate response under

'identify which type of employer your

company is' then select the appropriate response

under the authority question.

Agree to the privacy collection notice

and click lodge application at the

bottom right of screen.

The applicant details page then appears.

Please check the details are correct and

select next at the bottom of the screen.

Please select the appropriate business

type and enter the corresponding details.

Please continue to enter the information

throughout the remainder of the

application process to finalize your


As the applicant for this employer

registration you will be automatically

entered as a manager in the employer


You can also add other managers during

the application process or through your employer profile

once you are registered in ESVConnect.

Please submit your application once all

information has been entered including

the authority form.

Profile navigation

Upon activation of your registration by

an ESV licensing team member

you will receive an email notification

that your employer registration is set

up in ESV connect

to access your employer profile in esv

connect log in to ESVConnect and

navigate to my registrations on the ESV connect

home page and click on the blue

emp number in your employer profile on the left

you will see

  • your employer registration


  • registration status
  • registration expiry date
  • business name and
  • business type.

You can view and modify your address and

communication details by clicking on the

pencil in the box icon.

You can also view the amount of each

type of certificates available for your

workers to use.

please note only managers and operators

identified under the employer


have access to your employer profile.

On the right side of your employer

profile you can

  • purchase certificates through your

profile. A credit card is required for all


  • view your certificate purchases
  • download all purchase receipts and
  • export a list of all purchases for your


You can view your current employer

managers registered in ESVConnect and

add or remove managers as required

Please note one manager must always be

listed otherwise your employer

registration will be automatically


View your current employer operators

list and add or remove operators as


Further information regarding operators

is available in the ESVConnect COES

Guide for Employers.

You can view your licensed worker list

and add or remove workers as required

please note

licensed electrical workers can only be

added to your work list if each worker

has their own active account in ESVConnect

licensed electrical workers must upgrade

their previous online services account

to ESVConnect before they can be added

to an employer's worker list.

Once you have added all of your employed

license electrical workers to this list

each worker needs to approve the

nomination to your worker list

Please see the ESVConnect COES guide

for employers for this process

you can also view your site address list

and add remove site addresses as


once you have added your licensed

electrical workers to your work list and

your workers have accepted the

invitation to your workers list

each worker when logging into their own

account in ESVConnect will see your

employer banner in the ‘my installations’

area and will be able to complete certificates

under your employer registration in .my


You and your licensed electrical workers

can view and download completed

certificates by your employer banner in ‘my completed’

Thank you
