Renewable Energy Class of licence commences 5 April 2024

From 5 April 2024, licensed electrical inspectors (LEIs) will need to hold a new Renewable Energy (RE) Class licence to be able to inspect electricity generation systems

Wednesday 20 March 2024 at 5:14 am

From 5 April 2024, licensed electrical inspectors (LEIs) will need to hold a new Renewable Energy (RE) Class licence to be able to inspect electricity generation systems, including renewable energy installations and internal combustion engine generator installations in Victoria. 

This means LEIs who have a G Class only licence can no longer be engaged to do these inspections.

The new RE Class licence allows the holder to check both electricity generation systems and battery systems. There are three types of licences: 

  • RE – holders of this class can inspect the full scope of RE class (including renewable energy systems and internal combustion engine generator installations).
  • RE (excluding internal combustion engines) – holders of this class can inspect renewable energy systems only. 
  • RE (restricted to internal combustion engines) – holders of this class can inspect internal combustion engine generator installations only.

LEIs with the RE class can be found on our public register: Search a public register

For more information on this change, including details about the licence changeover period, please see the Renewable Energy Licence Q&A

What they can inspect?

RE Class

RE Class (excluding internal combustion engines)

RE Class (restricted to internal combustion engines)

Internal combustion engine generator installations

Solar PV systems

Battery energy storage systems

Wind generators or water (hydro) generators

Information for LEIs

A LEI can apply for one of the RE Class licences through their profile, see Applying with ESVConnect 

Applicants must hold a G Class licence and be able to demonstrate existing competence in inspecting installations relevant to the RE class. For more information on the eligibility criteria and evidence requirements see LEI licence - Class RE

Any G class licence holders who are unable to demonstrate existing knowledge and skills may book an assessment with Future Energy Skills
