- Published:
- Sunday 17 July 2022 at 7:17 pm
The Victorian Government is calling for submissions to a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) introducing a risk-based class of Licensed Electrical Inspectors (LEIs) for renewable electricity installations.
Based on a multi-criteria analysis, the RIS identifies the preferred approach as introducing a broad licence class covering all prescribed renewable installations and placing conditions on the type of renewable installations LEIs can inspect outside of the Electricity Safety (Registration and Licensing) Regulations 2020.
Submissions will be open until 5pm on Tuesday, 9 August 2022 and will be used by the Victorian Government to make a final decision. Unless you would like your submission to remain confidential, all submissions will be treated as public documents and may be published online.
The RIS, developed by KPMG and informed by consultation with key stakeholders, is available for public consultation on the Engage Victoria website at the following link: https://engage.vic.gov.au/introducing-a-new-risk-based-class-of-licensed-electrical-inspectors
If you have any questions on the RIS or making a submission, please reach out via email to solar.safety@delwp.vic.gov.au.