Man suffers electric shock moving fallen power line

Wednesday 6 December 2023 at 4:36 am

Energy Safe is warning people to stay well away from fallen power lines after a man received an electric shock at Geelong, south-west of Melbourne.

The 52-year-old old had just completed a school drop-off when he moved part of an electric cable found lying on the ground. It was connected to lighting at a carpark at Corio.

It is believed he came into contact with a live section of the cable and had to be taken to hospital after suffering burns to his hands during the incident on 1 December 2023.

Energy Safe CEO Leanne Hughson said she understood the man had been trying to make the area safe, but warned the outcome could have been much worse.

 “Fallen powerlines are dangerous and they can be deadly – even a broken line can have electrical currents running through it and they can kill in an instant,” Ms Hughson said.

“It is vital for everyone to be aware of the dangers especially as summer storms can bring down powerlines anywhere.

“Standing near fallen powerlines can be fatal so you need to stay well away from them and never, ever touch one – leave that to the trained professionals.”

To report a fallen powerline call Energy Safe on 1800 000 922.

Media contact: Nicole Butler 0477 572 378 l

Energy Safe. Always
