LG to take more steps towards locating and fixing dangerous solar batteries

Monday 27 May 2024 at 3:06 am
A photograph of a solar battery that has caught fire, with burn marks and melted components.

LG Energy Solution is increasing efforts to alert and protect consumers from faulty batteries. Affected LG solar storage batteries can overheat and catch fire.

LG has issued voluntary recalls for around 18,00 affected batteries – but around 4,400 batteries are yet to be located and recalled.

“We are warning consumers who have a solar energy storage system to check if their battery is affected by these LG recalls. If you have an affected battery, including one that has already received a software update, switch it off and contact LG urgently." — Deputy Chair Catriona Lowe

For more information, read the ACCC's media release.

Energy Safe. Always. 
