Energy Safe Victoria Canteen Hero finalists for 2022 announced

Thursday 29 September 2022 at 5:21 pm

Every Canteen Hero nomination we received spoke about people with boundless commitment to their club, the canteen and their broader community.

Selecting a list of finalists, let alone a winner, from the stories about all these amazing people is extremely difficult. Every one of these volunteers deserves recognition and celebrating.

We congratulate everyone who was nominated – you are truly a hero to the people around you. Nevertheless, we have selected our eight finalists for the Canteen Hero of the Year for 2022. Congratulations!

You can read their stories here!

A $1000 grant will be awarded to the winner’s football club canteen for new gas appliances or electrical equipment, with the winner to be announced at the AFL Victoria 2022 Community Awards on Friday 14 October. This event will be livestreamed on the AFL Victoria Facebook page. Make sure you’re watching to see which one of these 8 nominees takes home the Energy Safe Victoria Canteen Hero for 2022.
