Contact a licensed plumber with Type A Gas Appliance servicing endorsement to have your gas appliances serviced.
BBQs can only be installed indoors if they have been certified to the domestic cooker standard AS/NZS 5263.1.1.
See ESV’s Gas Information Sheet No 25 and AS/NZS 5601.1.
The board or assembly of boards must meet be compliant to AS/NZS 5601.1 Appendix C.
Confirmation of compliance should be sought from the material supplier, and we will ask for this evidence during our acceptance process.
Note: Fire resistant material have been retitled thermal protective material to alleviate confusion with NCC terminology.
Information on clearances to grease filters can be found in AS/NZS 5601.1 for information on clearances around commercial cooking appliance.
No. B Press-fittings cannot be used on gas fitting lines on any mobile catering vehicle. You must only use Silver soldered or compression joints. Refer to AS/NZS 5601.2.
Yes. ESV’s animation on commercial kitchen gas installation explains the correct way to use flexi connections in commercial kitchen installations. The animation also includes the requirements from the standard for commercial kitchen installations. Watch it here.
Information on Standard and Complex gas installations can be found in ESV’s Gas Information Sheet 33. Standard installations are signed off with VBA’s Certificate of Compliance; complex gas installations require a GasTrac application to ESV for processing and approval.
Domestic and commercial gas appliances must either be certified to relevant Australia standards or approved by ESV.
Domestic cooking appliances manufactured after 1 July 2017 must incorporate flame failure devices on all burners.
This does not apply to barbecues, except either:
- barbecues installed in caravans or boats
- barbecues certified to AS/NZS 5263.1.1.
Date: 27/03/2025 20:58
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