ESVConnect and GasTrac will be offline from 7:00 pm Friday, 18-10-24 to 11:00 pm Sunday, 20-10-24. You can still lodge Paper COES during this time.

Installing and servicing appliances

Important information for gas professionals about certified appliances and components

Installing and servicing appliances

Energy Safe Victoria is responsible for providing gas professionals with information about

  • certified appliances and their components
  • who can do what repairs and installation work
  • ensuring that work is safe and accepted.

Extent of permitted appliance work

Gasfitters should only do work for which they are competent.

Some types of appliances require specialist knowledge. Gasfitters should never work on an appliance they do not understand. Contact the manufacturer, component supplier, or Energy Safe, if you are in any doubt about the operation and safety performance of any gas appliance or component.

Licence endorsement for conversion (a special class of plumbing work) permits a gasfitter to carry out appliance conversion work.

Only persons with a type B gasfitting endorsement are permitted to work on type B appliances.

Consumers should always ask to see the gasfitter’s licence.

Replacing components on installed appliances

Energy Safe understands that sometimes original components found in certified appliances may no longer be available. The following information is applicable in these situations.

Replacement component safety

Any replacement component must be as per the original (like for like) or a non-original replacement component must provide equal or better safety than the original.

Conditions to consider

The original certification or acceptance of an appliance may be compromised if a replacement safety component is not verified as having an equivalent or better safety performance.

The installer of the replacement component must check with the manufacturer of the appliance or the replacement component manufacturer/supplier for suitability in the application.

Where the manufacturer of the replacement component has provided a list of suitable applications where the component can be used and a fault transpires with the replacement component or the appliance in the application that is attributed to the replacement component the responsibility for any consequence will remain with the manufacturer of the replacement component.

Type B appliances

For a Type B appliance, the replacement of a safety related component that is not a direct like for like replacement requires a submission to Energy Safe.

Certified gas appliances and components

If you have an enquiry about the certification of an appliance or component, including which products have been type-tested and certified, refer to these websites:

Date: 05/10/2024 8:51

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