GIS 68: Location of gas appliances in premises on roof, wall or elevated structure

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GIS 68: Location of gas appliances in premises on roof, wall or elevated structure
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This Gas Information Sheet (GIS) provides clarification for gas appliances intended to be installed at heights. Following this information ensures future access for:

  • installation
  • servicing
  • maintenance
  • repair
  • replacement.

GIS 68 will help you meet the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements of the relevant authority (WorkSafe).

GIS 68 is Energy Safe Victoria’s clarification on compliance with:

  • the requirements for Clause 6.3.12 and
  • 6.3.13 of AS/NZS 5601.1: 2022 Gas Installations Part 1: General installations.

Clause 6.3.12 Location of appliances in residential premises

Appliances in residential premises shall be located such that an additional means of access as indicated in Clause 6.3.13 is not required1.

NOTE: Consideration should be given to future access for servicing, replacement and to local occupational health and safety requirements.

a) What does ‘residential premises’ mean?

Clause 6.3.12 applies in the following building classifications as defined in Part A6 of the National Construction Code (NCC):

  • Class 1, including subgroups: 1a and 1b
  • Class 2
  • Class 3
  • Class 10 associated with residential premises.

b) Buildings with more than one classification

A building – or part of a building – must comply with all the relevant requirements that apply to each of the classifications for that building.

c) What does ‘additional means of access as indicated in Clause 6.3.13 is not required’ mean?

For wall-mounted appliances, the height of its base from the ground must not exceed 2.5 metres. Appliances installed higher than 2.5 metres require additional means of access.

  • Note 1: Height restrictions are based upon the height given in clause 6.3.13.
  • Note 2: In the context of wall-mounted appliances, a roof surface is not considered to be a floor or ground surface.
  • Note 3: This only applies to appliances installed external to a building.

For roof mounted appliances:

  • refer to manufacturer’s installation instructions
  • refer to OHS requirements – access and servicing provisions must comply with OHS regulations.
  • in residential premises, the appliance is to be situated to avoid the need for additional access, as specific in Claus 6.3.13.

Note: OHS requirements may be more stringent than the minimum requirements set out in AS/NZS 5601.1.

Clause 6.3.13 Appliance on roof, wall or elevated structure in locations other than single residential premises

Where an appliance is to be located on a roof, wall or elevated structure the following, as appropriate, shall apply:

  1. The roof section or structure where the appliance is to be installed is to be capable of supporting the additional load2.
  2. The appliance shall be installed more than 1.5 m from the edge of the roof or structure unless the edge of the roof or structure has a parapet wall or an alternative means of fall protection is provided, or a means of safe access acceptable to the Technical Regulator, can be arranged by the property owner or his representative.
    • NOTE 1: Other means of access include elevating work platforms, scissor and boom lifts3.
  3. Where an appliance is mounted on a wall, the height of the base of the appliance from the ground or floor level shall not exceed 2.5 m unless permanent means of access, or another means of access, which is acceptable to the Technical Regulator, can be arranged by the property owner or their representative.3
    • NOTE 2 Consideration should be given to future access for servicing and replacement and to local occupational health and safety requirements.
    • NOTE 3 Local OHS requirements take precedence over the means of compliance described in this Clause which may be excessive or inadequate in some situations and types of construction.

The following information is provided to clarify clause 6.3.13

  1. This Clause does not apply to gas appliance installations in single residential premises (as defined by AS/NZS 5601.1).
  2. For Clause 6.3.13 (a) – This clause requires an assessment to determine whether the roof section or structure is appropriate to support the total load. Where it is unclear, an engineer's report or similar may be required.
  3. For Clause 6.3.13 (b) – Where a gas appliance is installed on a roof or structure, the following are acceptable:
    1. The appliance is installed more than 1.5 m from the edge of the roof or structure, or
      The appliance may be installed closer to the edge of the roof if:
      o a parapet wall is adjacent to the appliance location and
      o the parapet wall has a minimum height requirement in accordance with Worksafe Victoria’s Technical Solution Sheet Number 2: Edge protection – working at height,
    2. The appliance is installed using an ‘alternative means of fall protection’ – or ‘means of safe access’ – and is demonstrated to be in accordance with OHS requirements,
    3. The appliance is installed where access to the appliance can be gained from an:
      o Elevated Work Platform (EWP)
      o scissor lift
      o boom Lift.
      Such work must be in accordance with OHS work practices. The means of access will need to be agreed between the property owner and plumber.
    4. The appliance is installed with a permanent access installed in accordance with:

      AS 1657: Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders - Design, construction and installation

      This will also meet the intent of this clause. e) Evidence – for example, relevant information from a builder, relevant building surveyor or manufacturer – will be required to ensure permanent access methods installed meet the requirements of AS 1657.
  4. For Clause 6.3.13 (c) – Where a gas appliance is installed on a wall at a height greater than 2.5m above ground or finished floor level – OHS regulations for fall prevention requirements must be met.

    Acceptable fall prevention measures include:
    1. Permanent means of access such as fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders. The design, construction and installation of the permanent means of access must be in accordance with AS 165.
    2. Other means of access acceptable to Energy Safe. include an EWP, scissor lift or boom lift in accordance with OHS work practices. This must be agreed between the property owner and plumber regarding this access method. Energy Safe may require a copy of this agreement.


Further information


1Reproduced without modifications by Energy Safe Victoria with the permission of Standards Australia Limited under licence CFL0823VICGOV. Copyright in AS/NZS5601.1 vests in Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand. Users must not copy or reuse this work without the permission of Standards Australia or the copyright owner.

2Reproduced without modifications by Energy Safe Victoria with the permission of Standards Australia Limited under licence CFL0823VICGOV. Copyright in AS/NZS5601.1 vests in Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand. Users must not copy or reuse this work without the permission of Standards Australia or the copyright owner.

3Reproduced without modifications by Energy Safe Victoria with the permission of Standards Australia Limited under licence CFL0823VICGOV. Copyright in AS/NZS5601.1 vests in Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand. Users must not copy or reuse this work without the permission of Standards Australia or the copyright owner

Date: 24/03/2025 8:18

The currency and accuracy of this information cannot be guaranteed once printed or saved to a storage device. If in doubt, please check the Energy Safe Victoria website for the current version.
