Arc flash hazard management
Owner/operators of electrical installations that are complex, high voltage or low voltage and high current should manage arc flash hazards.
Electrical industry guidance
Guidance for electrical industry professionals and workers in Victoria.
EIS 001: Temporary switchboards
Information about non-compliant temporary switchboards on residential construction sites.
EIS 004: Battery Installation – Neutral continuity and MEN Connection
Information about voltage rise risks where neutral contuity is not maintained.
EIS 007: Solar Victoria Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program – common electrical defects
Information about the top 5 defects from Solar Victoria's auditing of split systems air-conditioner (SSAC) installations and information gathered from COES.
PV d.c. isolators and systems
Guidance to assist industry with the installation of Photovoltaic (PV) direct current (d.c.) isolators.
Solar installations
Guidance to help ensure solar generation installations meet regulations.
Safety standards for high voltage and complex electrical installations
This page guides owners and operators of high voltage and complex electrical installations about their obligations.
Terminology and acronyms
For definitions of terms we use see: Terminology.
Date: 11/03/2025 15:14
The material in this print-out was accurate at the time of printing.