Online marketplace operator's guide

Selling safe electrical appliances online


This guide is intended for online marketplace operators that operate websites where suppliers can supply their electrical equipment. The following information in this guide will help you and the suppliers using your marketplace to meet the obligations of the Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS).

Note: In this document a supplier means a responsible supplier that imports or manufactures electrical equipment that it supplies or offers for supply in Victoria.

Requirements on Suppliers

The obligations on suppliers under the EESS covers registration of suppliers and equipment, as well as the marking requirements of the Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM) on the electrical equipment.


A regulatory compliance mark graphic, showing a tick or check mark in a broken circle within a rounded triangle, all in black.

It is marked on the product by suppliers to show that the supplier and product are complying with the EESS.

For further information on the EESS requirements on responsible suppliers, please refer to the EESS website:

Steps to take to ensure the suppliers are selling safe and compliant electrical equipment

1. Inform:

Where you are aware of suppliers operating on your platform who supply electrical equipment, please provide them this information sheet.

2. Watch:

Be alert for any supplier who is supplying any of the following:

AdviseCorrectIf you see:Take action
equipment should
not need a travel
adaptor to operate
A photograph of a standard Australian electrical plug.
A photograph of a travel charger and overseas electrical plug.
Contact the suppler to
enquire about the
issue. Notify them of
your intention to
remove their product
Mains plugs must
have insulated plug
A photograph of a standard Australian electrical plug.
A photograph of an electrical plug without insulated plug pins.
Contact the suppler to
enquire about the
issue. Notify them of
your intention to
remove their product
Mains operated
equipment must
have RCM
A regulatory compliance mark graphic, showing a tick or check mark in a broken circle within a rounded triangle, all in black.

RCM logo (shown above)
marked on equipment

No RCM marked

Contact the suppler to
enquire about the
issue. Notify them of
your intention to
remove their product
Mains operated
equipment must
have appropriate
voltage rating

230V or 220-240V or 240V

400V or 380-415V or 415V




Contact the suppler to
enquire about the
issue. Notify them of
your intention to
remove their product
Mains operated
equipment that are
recalled must not
be sold, new or as
Electrical equipment not
listed on the product safety website
Electrical equipment is
listed on the product safety website
Contact the suppler to
enquire about the
issue. Notify them of
your intention to
remove their product

3. Act:

If you suspect a supplier that is located in Victoria is selling electrical equipment that is unsafe or is not suitable for Australia because it does not appear to comply with EESS requirements, please contact Energy Safe Victoria for further guidance.

Opportunity for improvement/trends

1. Registration of supplier and electrical equipment

As an online marketplace operator, you may want to implement processes to verify that supplier’s level 2 and level 3 in-scope electrical equipment is registered and that the supplier is registered as a responsible supplier. These details can be checked on the

You may consider either removing or advising the supplier to remove any level 2 or level 3 electrical equipment from the marketplace that is verified as being unregistered or where the supplier is verified as being unregistered (where they are required to be).

2. Verify Australian-listed suppliers are located in Australia

  • Consider removing all suppliers that are not located in Australia from the marketplace.
  • Consider implementing a system to verify that suppliers are located in Australia – and consider removing suppliers from marketplace that are not located in Australia.

3. Display location of supplier

To help the public make informed purchasing decisions, you may want to consider displaying the location of the supplier when they have been verified as being from Australia.

4. Display full details of the equipment

To help the public make informed purchasing decisions, consider only allowing suppliers to advertise electrical equipment on your marketplace if they provide the model, brand and the rating of the product –including a photo of the rating plate/label.
In addition, you may implement a system that verifies the registration of the in-scope electrical (where they are required to be) from the EESS database.

Date: 24/03/2025 16:02

The currency and accuracy of this information cannot be guaranteed once printed or saved to a storage device. If in doubt, please check the Energy Safe Victoria website for the current version.
