Past editions of EnergySafe magazine, which was published from 2015 to 2023.
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Issue 69 Autumn 2023
In edition #69 we highlight the launch of our new website on the Victorian Government's Single Digital Presence platform. The project began in 2022, encompassing a comprehensive content audit
Issue 67 Spring 2022
In edition #67 we cover the recent ban on the sale of open flued gas heaters that do not meet safety standards. These requirements were introduced to prevent combustion products
Issue 66 Winter 2022
In edition #66 we introduce an exciting new initiative, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for electricians. The program is being rolled out across Victoria in 2022 to 2023
Issue 65 Autumn 2022
In edition #65 we introduce our newest campaign, Show Your Solar Some Love. Developed in conjunction with Solar Victoria, this awareness campaign advises a solar service their PV systems every 2 years
Issue 64 Summer 2021
In this edition we lead with changes to the Australian Standards for the manufacture of open flued gas heaters from 1 January. We also discuss the Build Aware compliance program
Issue 63 Spring 2021
We discuss the release of our nine enforcement and compliance priorities for industry, prosecutions of a number of unlicensed and incompetent tradies
Issue 62 Winter 2021
We celebrate and farewell ESV and industry stalwart Neil Fraser as he changes current and heads into retirement; discuss the pending Victorian Government decision on the future of open flued heaters
Issue 61 Autumn 2021
In this issue we meet Amy Spencer, a third year lineworker apprentice who discusses the industry in light of the new licensing regime for lineworkers
Issue 60 Summer 2020/21
In this issue we announce the implementation of a new licensing regime for Lineworkers (including Cable Jointers), celebrate 100 years of the first electrical licensing exams
Issue 59 Spring 2020
In this issue we address how ESV continues to meet its regulatory responsibilities during coronavirus (COVID-19), announce the introduction of a new licensing regime for lineworkers
Issue 58 Winter 2020
In this issue we announce the rollout of an independent review on the electrical inspection regime, warn the community around dodgy tree workers
Issue 57 Autumn 2020
In this issue we mark 100 years since the first electrician's licence was issued, reflect on the summer bushfires and introduce the new Director of Energy Safety, Marnie Williams.
Issue 56 Summer 2019
In this issue we reflect on Paul Fearon's ten years as ESV CEO and Director of Energy Safety, the ongoing importance of powerline safety checks across Victoria
Issue 55 Spring 2019
In this issue we recognise the achievements of our team in leading electrical safety standards adopted internationally, announce the impending launch of a new campaign
Issue 54 Winter 2019
In this edition we introduce the new look online platform for COES and licensing activity via ESVConnect; announce the new carbon monoxide campaign 'Be Sure'; and reveal strategies to help students
Issue 53 Autumn 2019
In this edition we look at the Victorian Government's incentives for residential solar power and the safety regime for installers; issue a new safety alert on four open flued gas heaters
Issue 52 Summer 2018/19
In this issue we announce our new Gas BBQ safety campaign 'Know the drill before you grill'. We also review the results for audits of Electrical Installation in 2017 and changes to regulatory regimes
Issue 51 Winter 2018
In this issue, we look into the maintenance of open flued gas heaters and the effects of a negative pressure environment. We celebrate achievements across the organisation
Issue 50 Autumn / Winter 2018
In this issue, we reflect on the events and stories that help shape Energy Safe Victoria. We also address safety alerts around open flued heaters and RCBOs.
Issue 49 Summer 2018
In this issue, we announce our partnership with the Clown Doctors from Royal Children's Hospital. We also report on the tragic deaths of two Victorians prompting new calls to Look Up and Live
Issue 48 Spring 2017
In this issue, we speak to Kerri McDonnell, recipient of ESV's inaugural Instructor's Excellence Award, introduce the first phase of ESVConnect and recap the Royal Melbourne Show.
Issue 47 Winter 2017
In this issue we speak with Vanessa Robinson and her fight for awareness of carbon monoxide poisoning, ESV's apprentice safety campaign and the issuing of the first Switchgear licence.
Issue 46 Summer/Autumn 2017
In this issue we read about our new apprentice safety campaign, we unveil our new website and discuss a recent DIY fatality.
Issue 45 Spring/Summer 2016
In this issue of EnergySafe we look at the recent Build Aware program, explore complex gas acceptance, review the multi-layer composite pipe forum and provide background on gas standards.
Issue 44 Winter 2016
In this issue we meet NECA's apprentice of the year, discuss organisational changes at ESV, unveil GasTrac - our new online system for gas applications, and look at how best to protect combustible mat
Issue 43 Autumn 2016
In this issue of EnergySafe, you can take a look at our new farm safety campaign, there's an update on the Cannon safety notice, proposed changes to hoverboard requirements, and a safety alert
Issue 42 Summer 2016
In this issue we take a look at the dangers of cheap and dodgy electrical products and take a look at ESV's new farm safety campaign following two farm deaths.
Issue 41 Spring 2015
In this issue we take a look at the new guidelines for the supervision of electrical apprentices and report on a concerning spate of electrocutions. We also list some of the recent product recalls
Issue 40 Winter 2015
The winter issue of EnergySafe includes a look at the launch of ESV's new carbon monoxide campaign, details on our free farm safety signs, a reminder about the dangers of non-compliant switchboards
Issue 39 Autumn 2015
In the Autumn issue of EnergySafe we preview our new carbon monoxide awareness television commercial and tell you how to register for a free training course on measuring CO emissions.
Issue 38 Summer 2015
In this issue of EnergySafe we take a look at the consequences of unlicensed work, discuss the dangers asbestos is still posing to tradespeople more than a decade after it was banned in Australia
Issue 37 Spring 2014
In the spring issue of EnergySafe, we take a look at how regional footy is helping to spread the look up and live message, discuss the new RIS for the 2015 Electric Line Clearance Regulations
Issue 36 Winter 2014
The July issue of Energy Safe takes a look at ESV's new safety campaign for arborists and vegetation workers. There's also a warning about the dangers of non-compliant switchboards and more
Issue 35 Autumn 2014
In this issue you'll find the results of ESV's investigation into the Morwell Terminal Station incident, Victoria's adoption of AS/NZS 5601.1 and 2, a story on solar alteration requirements
Issue 34 Summer 2014
This issue takes a look at ESV's new Look before you cook summer barbecue safety television commercial. Technical articles include de-energising a site with an advanced meter, and more
Issue 33 Spring 2013
In this issue we ask electricians to comment on proposed changes to the Wiring Rules, unveil ESV's new children's electrical safety website, take a look at ESV's stand at the Royal Melbourne Show
Issue 32 Winter 2013
The winter issue of EnergySafe features a story on Vanessa Robinson's quest to prevent deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning, takes a look at ESV's new guide to vegetation management and more
Issue 31 Autumn 2013
This issue of the magazine looks at the success of our summer look before you cook campaign and also looks ahead to our carbon monoxide awareness winter safety campaign.
Issue 30 Summer 2012
This issue highlights ESV's two summer safety campaigns - Look before you cook about gas barbecue safety and a safety reminder for houseboat owners and operators
Issue 29 Spring 2012
This month's issue includes a story about a family's close call with carbon monoxide poisoning, a look at the electrical installation work in the new Royal Children's Hospital and more
Issue 28 Winter 2012
It’s been a busy few months at ESV as we’ve worked to complete the first draft of our review into the safety of smart meters. The review stemmed from a handful of meter failures in northern suburbs.
Issue 27 Summer/Autumn 2012
While the period up to the end of 2012 was beset with incidents and fatalities in workplaces, the new year has started a little better but it has not been entirely incident free.
Issue 26 Spring/Summer 2011
ESV has released its first report into the regulation of the safety performance of Victoria’s electricity distribution businesses. It details the results of nine separate audits
Issue 25 Winter/Spring 2011
Our feature story this month is about a new and exciting product that can generate highly efficient electricity for a property, and even produce enough to sell the excess back to the grid.
Issue 24 Autumn/Winter 2011
ESV's Carbon Monoxide campaign. Consultation paper highlights range of options to reduce bushfire risk from electricity infrastructure.
Issue 23 Summer/Autumn 2011
In this issue: ESV's audit of Smart Meter installation process, new Carbon Monoxide poisoning campaign, new Terms of Reference for Powerline Bushfire Safety Taskforce.
Issue 22 Spring/Summer 2010
EnergySafe Magazine - Issue 22 Spring/Summer 2010
Issue 21 Winter/Spring 2010
In this issue: Ending the confusion on who can install solar panels. Victorian bushfires Royal Commission Reports. Man electrocuted allegedly stealing copper. How to service gas appliances.
Issue 20 Autumn/Winter 2010
ESV's new industry committee on solar panels. Pilot killed when helicopter crashes after hitting powerlines. Introduction of Electricity Safety (Registration and Licensing) Regulations 2010.
Issue 19 Summer/Autumn 2010
In this issue: Eight electrocutions in six months including three in three days. New fees for certificates of electrical safety. Transmission towers collapse. ESV's billboard advertising campaign.
Issue 18 Spring/Summer 2009
ESV's focus on improving BBQ safety. ESV investigates death of man in backyard incident at Ballarat. Paul Fearon confirmed as director of Energy Safety. Introduction of new gas inspection process.
Issue 17 Winter/Spring 2009
In this issue: Powerboard blamed for $1 million restaurant fire. Ziad's reflections on the "Black Saturday" bushfires. ESV's new gas safety commercial.
Issue 16 Autumn/Winter 2009
In this issue: Apprentice plumber saves workmate. How to purchase and lodge COES online. ESV orders recall of gas heaters. Launch of global green electricians course.
Issue 15 Summer/Autumn 2009
Black Saturday bushfires - How the energy industry responded to the disaster. Warning - keep airconditioners clear of LPG installations. Gas Standard AS1596 - further changes explained.
Issue 14 Spring/Summer 2008
ESV concern at spate of injuries to apprentices. Four hurt in explosion at Chinese restaurant. High cost of breaching undertakings given to a court. Scienceworks - a hair raising experience.
Issue 13 Winter/Spring 2008
ESV warning - Never use outdoor heaters indoors. Man dies in incident involving outdoor gas heater. Man suffers horrific injuries in incident involving scissor lift and powerline.
Issue 12 Autumn/Winter 2008
Wild storm damage-is this the shape of things to come? Respected lineworker dies, government announces review into the response. Framing the new Electricity Safety (installation) Regulations
Issue 11 Summer/Autumn 2008
New wiring rules-an easy guide to the changes, ESV information sessions, compliance. ESV's proposed policy on supervised workers licenses. Lucky escape when powerline falls onto excavator.
Issue 10 Spring/Summer 2007
Major recall of upmarket-priced hair straighteners. New audit program to ensure Type B gas appliances are compliant. ESV's new gas safety commercial. Review of certificate of electrical safety-latest.
Issue 09 Winter/Spring 2007
Safety installing downlights-new wiring rules explained. ESVs new approach to the gas acceptance regime. Brooke Hansons electric shock-ESV warning. Review of Australian Electrical Equipment Approval
Issue 08 Autumn/Winter 2007
Never be in a hurry and always follow correct operating procedures. Man dies from burns caused by gas leaking from a cylinder. The importance of gasfitting competency.
Issue 07 Summer/Autumn 2007
Our aims for the year are to provide as much technical and useful information as we can for electrical and gas workers. We appreciate your feedback.
Issue 06 Spring/Summer 2006
ESV remains concerned at the number of serious incidents reported to us which continue to occur - and the circumstances and extent of them.
Issue 05 Winter/Spring 2006
As usual we have strived to produce an information packed edition for you, and hopefully there is plenty of reading which you will find interesting and useful.
Issue 04 Autumn/Winter 2006
Unfortunately for the second issue running we have some sad information to tell you about. On the opposite page and on subsequent pages, you can read about four recent electricity-related deaths.
Issue 03 Summer/Autumn 2006
We would liked to have welcomed you to issue 3 of EnergySafe with some happy and positive news on the energy safety scene and yet more initiatives aimed at maintaining Victoria’s good safety record.
Issue 02 Spring/Summer 2005
Welcome to issue 2 of EnergySafe, the successor to LIVE with electricity. All regular readers will recall that we changed the name of the magazine with the formation of the new energy safety regulator
Issue 01 Winter / Spring 2005
The new safety regulator Energy Safe Victoria is now official, having been ceremoniously launched on 10 August 2005. To celebrate the occasion we are pleased to present the first issue of Energysafe
Date: 03/03/2025 18:35
The currency and accuracy of this information cannot be guaranteed once printed or saved to a storage device. If in doubt, please check the Energy Safe Victoria website for the current version.