If you have an existing Online Services account, logging into ESVConnect for the first time is a step-through process from Online Services.
If you don’t have an existing Online Services account, logging into ESVConnect for the first time is also a straight forward account set-up process. Read the full login process at the page ESVConnect, Online services and GasTrac
In ESVConnect users can:
- validate the address entered on the Certificate of Compliance
- insert predetermined text for high volume work types in the prescribed Certificate of Compliance description of work
- add test results
- add photos and files to your certificate as proof of work completed at a point in time
- bulk handle Inspection allocations and bulk handle Accept/Decline inspection requests
- add notes to the certificate to assist in explaining location or other property details
- amend certificate details before final certification and generation of the Certificates of Electrical Safety (COES), accordingly, Energy Safe Victoria will no longer amend completed and certified certificates.
Paper COES will still be used. Over time they will be phased out as ESVConnect delivers more functionality.
Paper COES may still be purchased at an Agent.
Paper COES can only be lodged through the IVR phone system (interactive voice response) on 1300 360 366
- Flowcharts explaining the IVR paper COES lodgement process – for LEI’s and the Responsible person.
COES_Paper_IVR_lodge_process(opens in a new window)PDF 61.16 KBLicensed Electrical Inspectors
LEIs who apply through ESVConnect and are successful in obtaining an inspectors licence will have their details added to the Online Services database. A USERID and PIN will be provided to you for paper COES lodgement via the IVR.
Upon completion all copies of a paper COES must be distributed/mailed to the relevant persons, including the white copy to Energy Safe.
My Installations
‘My Installations’ is the new area for LEW’s and REC’s to complete their certificates.
Available Certificate amounts are visible, and the electrical installation certification process can be followed through the different tabs and status.
Bulk allocation to your LEI is also available.
My Inspections
Inspectors have a similar view and can follow the electrical installation certification process through the different tabs and status’.
Inspectors also have a bulk Accept/Decline option to improve efficiency when working in ESVConnect.
My Certificates tab
The ‘My Certificates’ tab provides a view for all who have a relationship with a certificate to view and print the Certificate of Electrical Safety.
This means the LEW who certified the work, the REC who approved the Certificate of Compliance and for Prescribed Certificates, the LEI who certifies the Certificate of Inspection, can view every Certificate for at least 3 years.
Yes. An Electrician can purchase Prescribed and Non Prescribed Certificates in ESVConnect.
However, the purchased certificates can only be used to certify electrical installation work performed for ‘No profit or gain’ or electrical installation work performed for an employer that is not a registered electrical contractor.
Electronic draft certificates or EIC’s can be self-amended during the certification process.
Electronic final certificates with an N or P number cannot be amended.
Paper certificates that have been lodged and copies distributed cannot be amended.Read more in the ESVConnect COES Guide
ESVConnect-COESGuide(opens in a new window)PDF 592.26 KBYes. A Restricted Electrical Licence holder can purchase Non-Prescribed Certificates in ESVConnect.
Yes. A Switchgear licence holder can purchase prescribed and non-prescribed Certificates in ESVConnect. However, the purchased certificates can only be used to certify electrical switchgear work performed for an employer that is not a registered electrical contractor.
The description of work section can accommodate 2,000 characters and further information can be added as attachments.
Your customer, the person or organisation that employed/engaged you to perform electrical installation work.
Electricity Safety Act 45A (1)(b) states that this is the person who the work was completed for in other words, the person or entity who engaged and paid you.
Yes. This occurs automatically if you enter the customer email address in the certificate during drafting.
No. All completed Certificates of Electrical Safety are available for view and distribution in the my certificates section of the dashboard.
The address can be completed manually.
A Licensed Electrical Worker, a REC Technical Supervisor or a REC operator.
The Licensed Electrical Worker responsible for completing the electrical installation work.
The responsible person identified on the Certificate of Compliance. For a REC this is the Technical Supervisor or the LEW if completing under a licence.
The Licensed Electrical Worker can amend any incorrect information and re-certify the certificate of compliance.
The Technical Supervisor can return the Certificate of Compliance in the ‘Tech Supervisor return loop’ and the Licensed Electrical Inspector can return using ‘ESA Defect 45A’.
Yes, refer to the Electricity Safety (General) Regulations 2019(opens in a new window)
- 261(1) Certificates of compliance refers to section 44(3)(c) of the Act
Help and support has also been built into the system for those who are unsure what they are required to do.
All IC’s must consent to having their information on ESVConnect before it can be made available.
Complete the Inspection Company Request Form:
and return it to:
Manager, Licensing and Registration
Energy Safe Victoria
PO Box 262
Collins Street West VIC 8007Or scan and email to: coes@energysafe.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window)
The responsible person identified on the Certificate of Compliance, for a REC this is the Technical Supervisor or the LEW if completing under a licence.
Licensed Electrical Inspectors can print a Certificate of Compliance for inspection purposes only.
Yes. Security rules prevent a LEW from selecting themselves to perform their own inspection.
Defects on the certificate can be seen by:
- the Licensed Electrical Worker
- the Technical Supervisor
- the business supervisor
- the REC Operator
- the Licensed Electrical Inspector
- Energy Safe Victoria.
Energy Safe uses this information for future training and education.
No. The content of the list is the same.
ESVConnect requires you to select the instrument (legislation or standard), select the relevant clause, insert a description of the defect and where it is located, then click submit.
Yes. Defects must be recorded on the Certificate of Inspection for the return loop to the LEW to work.
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Date: 24/03/2025 12:58
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The currency and accuracy of this document cannot be guaranteed once printed or saved to a storage device. If in doubt, please check the ESV website for the current version.