The Gas and Pipeline Infrastructure Safety Management Report provides information about the degree of technical compliance from gas and pipeline industry participants.
This report also highlights the status of the sector’s safety framework documentation, and its responses to auditing, monitoring, and reporting, and ESV’s response in terms of its near-term priorities.
- 2020-21:
ESV Gas and Pipeline Infrastructure Safety Performance Report 2020-21 Final Web(opens in a new window)
- 2019-20:
GasPipelineSafetyPerformanceReport_2019-20_WEB(opens in a new window)
- 2018-19:
GPI Safety Performance Report 2018-19(opens in a new window)
- 2017-18:
GPIS Management Report 2017-18(opens in a new window)
- 2016-17:
GPIS_SafetyManagementReport_2016-17(opens in a new window)
Date: 26/03/2025 3:58
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